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Case Studies and Interviews

Photo of Students


Written and audio case studies

Photo of equations Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (1)
Amanda has been diagnosed with ADD. This case study outlines the adjustments made for her to help her pass her maths examination.

Computer being repairedAttention Deficit Disorder (ADD) / Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (2)

Anwar describes how positive support from a tutor at college has dramatically improved his experience of education.

Photo of cyclists outdoors Autistic Spectrum Disorders (1)
Chris, who has Asperger's Syndrome, describes his experiences of taking an outdoor education course.

Photo of keyboard Autistic Spectrum Disorders (2)
This case study outlines the accommodations made for Michael, who has Asperger's Syndrome, for the group work activities involved in his course.


Person working at a computer

Autistic Spectrum Disorder (3)

This case studies explains how Martin, who is on the autistic spectrum, was able to successfully participate in an ICT course in Bulgaria in mainstream education with the support of his tutor.

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Photo of hairdresser Deaf/Hard of Hearing (1)
Anna is student with a hearing impairment. This case study contains the advice she gave to her classmates about what they could do to make sure she was fully included within her course.

Photo of balerina Deaf/Hard of Hearing (2)
A deaf student describes how her course was made accessible and how engagement in a range of extra-curricular activities has made her more employable.

Chef workingDeaf/Hard of Hearing (3)

Sonya is a Deaf student in Bulgaria and the case study describes the challenges she faced whilst participating in a vocational cookery course.

Photo of a group of students sat close together in a circle Deaf/Hard of Hearing - Blind (1)
This case study describes the difficulties faced by a deaf-blind student for the group work aspects of her studies, and also describes the accommodations made during her course.

Photo of camera Dyslexia (1)
This case study highlights the support given to two students with dyslexia to assist them with the literacy activities in their course.

book with letters coming off page Dyslexia (2)
Georgia, who is dyslexic, talks about her learning support.

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Photo of lecturer using whiteboard Dyspraxia (1)
A student with dyspraxia talks about his diagnosis and how it led to adjustments that enabled him to be more effective on his course.

Photo of keyboard Learning Disabilities (1)
Bradley has autism and learning disabilities. The case study describes the importance of the computing course he is taking to his education and to his social life.

Photo of laptop Learning Disabilities (2)
Rose is an IT student who has Down's Syndrome. This case study describes the ways in which her teacher ensured that Rose took part effectively in group work.

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Photo of ChefMedical Conditions (1)
Joe has diabetes. The case study describes some of the issues associated with disclosure of his disability.

Photo of tree felling Medical Conditions (2)
The results of a risk assessment carried out for a student with epilepsy applying for a place on an agricultural training course are described.

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Photo of electronics worker Mental Health Difficulties (1)
Roger is a student on an electronics course who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia. The case study describes the adjustments to his course that enable him to participate more effectively.

people sat at computers Mental Health Difficulties (2)
Ben has mental health difficulties and is doing well on his computing course.

Photo of make up being applied to a face Physical Impairments (1)
This case study emphasises the importance of not making assumptions about someone’s abilities.

large computer mouse

Physical Impairments (2)

Roger is a wheelchair user who uses assistive technology to take part in a distance learning course.

Photo of calculator Speech Impairments (1)
A student with a speech impairment describes the help he received on an accounting course, including support from an assistant.

Photo of welder Visual Impairments (1)
The decision by an education provider not to allow a blind student to enrol on a welding course is explained in relation to the Disability Discrimination Act.

braille document Visual Impairments (2)
A student who has a visual impairment describes the adjustments to his course that have really helped him.

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Video case studies

Video Case Study (1) - Self Advocacy
Lee stresses the importance of self advocacy for disabled people and the positive impact this can have on society

Video Case Study (2) - ICT Skills

Video Case Study (3) - Literacy - Oral Presentations

Video Case Study (4) - Group Work - Teamwork

The images used on this page are not the images of the people in the case studies

Public Broadcast Videos

See the Person

Physical Disability Inspiration

Autism Awareness Commercial

Disability Awareness, High Life

Look at me, not my disability!

Transcribed Interviews

Click here to download an interview with David who has dyspraxia

Click here to download an interview with Sophie who has a mental health difficulty

Video Interviews

Video Interview (1) Mel

Video Interview (2) Hayden

Video Interview (3) Kareen

Video Interivew (4) Marilyn

Video Interview (5) Jenny

Video Interview (6) Alex

MHFE Youtube Channel

MHFE Whats News Case Study Video (1)

MHFE Whats News Case Study Video (2)

MHFE Whats News Case Study Video (3)

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...providing support for young people, including those with disabilities, in mainstream post 16 education