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Disclosure Advice

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Become a powerful self advocate! Think about the effects of your disability on your cartoon people speakingself - and on your classmates and tutors. Give polite guidance on what works for you in each learning situation.

You should disclose your disability to the school/college and give your tutor a clear description of your learning and support needs so that they can factor these in when planning their teaching sessions.

For advice on telling people about your disability download the document Telling People About Your Disability published by the Skill Information Service. The document has been used in this resource with permission of Skill. The document refers to the Disability Discrimination Act which was replaced by the Equality Act in October 2010 - click here to download the UK government draft guidance.

Skill have also produced a more detailed version of the document - click here to download.

The Skill Telling People About Your Disability document provides a comprehensive guide to disclosure with sections on:

  • Understanding the Disability Discrimination Act (replaced by the Equality Act in 2010) and disclosure

  • Confidentiality

  • Reasons for disclosure

  • Reasons against disclosure

  • Timing a disclosure

  • Use your control of the situation – Some key points

  • Answering questions about your disability

  • Further information

Please note that Skill have ceased to operate and therefore the content of the Skill document will no longer be updated (April 2011)

For advice and guidance on the UK Data Protection Act please visit the Information Commissioner's Office website.

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...providing support for young people, including those with disabilities, in mainstream post 16 education